

Thank you for visiting the Kentucky Genealogical Society Digital Archive!

Throughout the years, the Kentucky Genealogical Society has committed to ensuring the preservation of records. Sometimes the preservation was done by volunteer members, while other times we have provided grants to ensure the work was completed.

As a genealogical society, we have a rich history of getting family records digitized and available. Since 1973, our organization's members have collected, indexed, and scanned records from our Kentucky ancestors from all over the state. 

We hope to see this collection grow and expand even more, further enriching our members' research and knowledge. If you would like to support this endeavor, please consider making a donation to the Digitization Grant Program. Our grant program is funded by the generosity of members and the general public. Anyone wanting to contribute may do so here.

There are also a number of benefits in joining the Kentucky Genealogical Society and it only costs $20 a year. We have members from throughout the United States and abroad, beginners and experts alike, and we love new members! You are invited to join us today.

If you need help searching the archive, get started here.